Distribution Economics: Understanding Wall Street's Conflict of Interest Problem

At Independent Financial Planning, I'm consistently reading and learning. Yesterday I read a long but enlightening blog post at Alpha Architects dated March 11, 2015.  Sometimes I run across an article that I think should be read in its entirety and unedited so I'll provide the link below so you can read it if you wish (it is rather long).

The summary is that an investor should consider investment options that are independent and cost effective rather than those that are provided by banks, predominantly, which carry high costs to the investor.  I would extend this concept to investment advice as well, as the article also argues, that an investor looking for help in placing their investments in any type of instrument should receive his or her advice from an independent and transparent source.

Visit http://www.alphaarchitect.com/blog/2015/03/11/understanding-wall-streets-conflict-of-interest-problem/ for the full article.